ACEDS Benelux Chapter Forms First Professional eDiscovery Community in the Region
11 January 2018 — The Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS), a BARBRI Professional Association, today announced the debut of its Benelux Chapter, the first professional eDiscovery Community in the region. The Benelux Chapter will organize its informal Launch Party Thursday, 25 January, 17:00 – 19:00 at Café Wildschut in Amsterdam. ZyLAB is proud to sponsor the event.
The Benelux chapter formation furthers ACEDS commitment to building a global community of eDiscovery specialists to exchange ideas, guidance, training and best practices. Like the U.S. chapters and the chapter in the U.K., the Benelux Chapter will promote eDiscovery competence and professional development.
The chapter’s Board of Directors consists of well-known eDiscovery specialists and legal professionals from both corporations and law firms, as well as experts from the field of technology and services. The board members will be introduced during the reception in Amsterdam.
Community, Connection, Careers
“We’re extremely excited about our ACEDS Benelux chapter,” says Mary Mack, Executive Director of ACEDS. “It is the first professional eDiscovery community on that mainland that will collaborate with our flagship UK chapter and our emerging chapters in Canada and Australia.”
ACEDS is the member organization for professionals in the private and public sectors who work in the field of e-discovery. The objective of the ACEDS community is to offer eDiscovery specialists a platform for the exchange of ideas, guidance, training and best practices. ACEDS, has established the field’s first certification exam. Qualified candidates who pass a rigorous examination will earn the right to use the Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS™) certification.
ACEDS Chapters are extensions of ACEDS and designed to focus the association’s overall eDiscovery education and training efforts at a regional level by providing local forums to ACEDS members for discussion, networking and training.
For more information about the ACEDS Benelux Chapter, please contact Annelore van der Lint ( / T: +31 6 290 73 879).
To register for the informal launching cocktail party, please go to