Adam Tondryk, Catalyst: High-Efficiency Review Enables Client to Meet Short Deadlines

Extract from Adam Tondryk’s article “High-Efficiency Review Enables Client to Meet Short Deadlines; Significantly Reduces Costs” 

Our client, a global corporation, was facing an investigation by a government agency into alleged price fixing. The regulators believed they would find the evidence in the documents and issued a broad request—with just four months to get the job done.

This wasn’t a case of finding a needle in a haystack. Rather, a wide range of documents were responsive. A sample of the initial collection suggested that as many as 45% of the documents would be responsive. One option was to produce everything but the client had a significant amount of confidential and proprietary information that it did not want to be inadvertently exposed. Thus, they needed to produce responsive documents, but only responsive documents.

Read the full article here