Kelly Twigger

Kelly Twigger is a practicing attorney, software developer, consultant, writer, and speaker on issues in electronic discovery, the development and implementation of legal technology, and how to effectively use data in planning for and during litigation. She is a co-author of Electronic Discovery and Records and Information Management, and host of Case of the Week at eDiscovery Assistant. As Principal at ESI Attorneys, Kelly manages the boutique eDiscovery and information law firm that acts as operational business partners with its clients to advise law firms, corporations, and municipalities on all areas of electronic information including eDiscovery, privacy, cybersecurity, and information governance. Kelly is also the CEO of eDiscovery Assistant — a SaaS-based practical resource for litigators handling eDiscovery — that curates discovery decisions, rules, and additional content. She is developing an online academy to provide on-demand education for lawyers and legal support professionals to stay abreast of changes in the law and technology that affect litigation and clients’ obligations to respond. You can reach Kelly at, join her Facebook community group at Let’s Talk eDiscovery, or connect with her on Twitter @kellytwigger.

Case of the week legal technology

You’ll Want to Pay Attention to What the Colorado Supreme Court Just Did and its Future Impact on Privacy in Civil Discovery

[Editor’s Note: This article has been republished with permission. It was originally published November 2, 2023 on the eDiscovery Assistant Blog] In Episode 122, CEO and Founder of eDiscovery Assistant […]

You’ll Want to Pay Attention to What the Colorado Supreme Court Just Did and its Future Impact on Privacy in Civil Discovery Read More »