Barry Schwartz, BIA: Efficient eDiscovery Starts with a Well-Developed Litigation Hold Process

Extract from Barry Schwartz’s article “Efficient eDiscovery Starts with a Well-Developed Litigation Hold Process”

Litigation Hold inefficiency traps lie in wait at every step of the litigation hold process – from the initial triggering event through to when the final Release Notice is sent to custodians once a matter comes to a full conclusion. Inefficiencies at this early stage can extend a ripple effect on your entire eDiscovery workflow and budget. The good news is that those traps are easy to avoid with a little pre-planning and preparation.

The litigation hold process itself can be complex at times too: different custodians are often involved in multiple and sometimes overlapping matters, different cases may have different notice, data preservation and collection requirements, and single matters may require slightly different notices to differing custodian groups. Custodian questionnaires, an integral part of the litigation hold process, while often covering some of the same basic questions, are most effective when properly leveraged and tailored to the individual matter as well.

A comprehensive litigation hold and custodian questionnaire process can be the key to eliminating inefficiencies across your entire eDiscovery process.

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