Extract from Casey Sullivan’s article, “Legal Professionals Say They Aren’t Ready for Generative AI. They’re Embracing It Anyway.”
Seventy-two and 40. No two numbers represent the transformative moment the legal profession faces as the rapid evolution of generative AI technology promises to upend traditional knowledge work, with tools like ChatGPT that can create content so convincingly they have been able to pass the bar exam and the MPRE.
Seventy-two: the percentage of legal professionals who say the industry is not ready for the impacts of generative AI.
Forty: the percentage of legal professionals who say they are already using or planning to use such tools.
These two key numbers come from the new 2023 Ediscovery Innovation Report, created by Everlaw in conjunction with the International Legal Technologists Association and the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists and published today at ILTACON 2023. Based on a survey of 245 legal professionals, the report paints a picture of a profession on the cusp of major change.
This year’s Ediscovery Innovation Report confirms that the profession’s last major technological shift, the move to cloud-based technology, is firmly established. While it will take a few more years for some of the entire industry to still make the change, the trajectory is set.
Generative AI is on an accelerated path to the same destination. If the move to the cloud took more over a decade, the willingness to experiment with generative AI tools seems far faster.