Casey Sullivan, Logikcull: Innovating With Simplicity in “Everyday” eDiscovery

eDiscovery Software | Logikcull

Extract from Casey Sullivan’s article “Innovating With Simplicity in “Everyday” eDiscovery”

eDiscovery case law and headlines are often made from the largest cases—the ones resulting in million-dollar invoices, involving high profile courtroom battles over technology, or requiring armies of associates looking to “churn that bill,” I mean, get through doc review. But there are actually very few “bet the farm” cases—though you might not realize it when you look at how eDiscovery services are priced today.

The vast majority of cases involve relatively straight-forward data sources, largely manageable document sizes, and routine procedures. They don’t require the complicated workflows, mystifying AI, and expensive third-party vendors that the largest matters may justify. Yet often even the routine matters are bogged down by processes built for the most convoluted discovery workflows; the same vendor delays, the same IT overhead, and the same massive up-charging can show up in a 10-gigabyte matter or a 10-terabyte one.

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