Cat Casey, Reveal: Lawyers, Love & Legalese – More Legal Valentines

Extract from Cat Casey’s article “Lawyers, Love & Legalese – More Legal Valentines”

This February 14, forgo the box of chocolates, say sayonara to the roses and no thanks to the exorbitant price fixe meal… and embrace your inner dork with these cheeky, at times too close to home, legal valentines. Part deux.  

You can read part one here

Infinite Retention

While defensible deletion after a limited retention period is a much safer approach for most law firms and legal service providers, when it comes to matters of the heart infinite might be the right period!

I want to (legal) hold your hand

Perhaps not quite as endearing a concept, but no less critical to protecting the heart and ESI of your Valentine or your law office!

Read more here