CEDS Certification Brochure

Download the Brochure

The Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS) Certification responds to the need for professionals with diverse skills and knowledge across the e-discovery spectrum. It facilitates sound hiring practices, advances careers, and gives a competitive advantage to individuals who earn it and their employers.

The CEDS Brochure includes information on:

  • The Certification structure
  • Who should get certified
  • The anatomy of a CEDS question
  • What’s included in the CEDS Certification Package

What Our Customers Say

"ACEDS’ certification is a tremendous asset to us. In my opinion, this certification indicates a level of legal competence that is truly needed in the eDiscovery world. Legal professionals want to know that the person(s) on the other end of that often time last-minute call understands the legal landscape and the realities of the world in which a legal professional works."

Phillip Hearn
eDiscovery Manager, Lexbe