CEDS Certification Handbook

Download the Handbook

The Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS) Certification responds to the need for professionals with diverse skills and knowledge across the e-discovery spectrum. It facilitates sound hiring practices, advances careers, and gives a competitive advantage to individuals who earn it and their employers.

The CEDS Certification Candidate Handbook informs you of what is needed to register for the CEDS Examination. The Handbook can be used as a guide to learn about the detailed steps to becoming CEDS-Certified as well as ACEDS' policies and procedures with regard to certification.

The CEDS Certification Candidate Handbook includes:

  • How to begin the certification process
  • Certification eligibility
  • Scheduling your exam
  • The complete exam application

What Our Customers Say

"ACEDS’ certification is a tremendous asset to us. In my opinion, this certification indicates a level of legal competence that is truly needed in the eDiscovery world. Legal professionals want to know that the person(s) on the other end of that often time last-minute call understands the legal landscape and the realities of the world in which a legal professional works."

Phillip Hearn
eDiscovery Manager, Lexbe