Melina Efstathiou_CEDS Spotlight_Blog

CEDS Spotlight: Melina Efstathiou, CEDS

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Welcome to our “CEDS Spotlight” where we will feature ACEDS members who have recently become CEDS certified. Every one of our members is unique and so are their e-discovery journeys. We hope this will be a terrific way for you to get to know the ACEDS community.

[Maribel] Hey guys, I hope you were dancing, ’cause I was, Deja knows I love to dance. So, welcome to #WeAreACEDS. I’m Maribel Rivera, an independent marketing and event strategist and the Senior Director of Community Relations at ACEDS. During today’s live stream, if you would like to share any feedback, or if you have a question or comments, anything, please submit in the comments either on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, we’ll be responding to those. Or if you wanna just say hi, you can do that too. And we’ll be sure to respond back. And if you love what we’re talking about, please hit share or provide any reactions, tell some of your friends to join us. This week, I’m joined by a special guest, Melina Efstathiou. Melina is the Head of Litigation Technology at Eversheds Sutherland and located in UK. Hi Melina.

[Melina] Hello, hi Maribel, hi everyone. How are you?

[Maribel] Hi. Thank you so much for joining me on WeAreACEDS today. How has everything, how are you doing?

[Melina] I’m doing okay. I mean, the weather is really, really trying to break my spirit. I think it’s official over in London it’s already autumn, we skipped summer, we typically always do that season is canceled, but overall I’m keeping very well. And I promise first time I will have the honor of actually seeing you in person, we will do that dance because it did keep me a little bit motivated-

[Maribel] It did, I love it, it’s awesome to start off the day or interview, right? With just a little bit of energy and-

[Melina] Just a little bit.

[Maribel] Yeah, and that’s what we’re all about here. I wanted to talk a little bit more about you, here at WeAreACEDS it’s all about spotlighting members of our legal community and getting to know them. So, you are at Eversheds Sutherland, but prior to that, you had held roles at legal vendors and law firms. I wanted you to just share a little bit with our audience on your background because it is so diverse.

[Melina] Yes, of course. So, I am a lawyer, a lawyer at heart and always like, in principle. So, I am a criminal defense attorney I think I said it in a US-friendly way. I come from the area of financial investigations and serious fraud. And I transitioned into technology through documentary view and the arena of electronic discovery some 10 years ago. So yes, I have practically worked in most vendors, in-house flow firms, out of the house for law firms, anything that you can possibly think of. And prior to joining Eversheds Sutherland, my most recent role was with Relativity when I was working there as a Senior Customer Success Manager.

[Maribel] I know I gave you some questions in preparation for this, but I’d love to know what, like what made you decide to move into the legal technology realm from where you first started?

[Melina] I’d love to say it was a eureka moment, but actually in my life it happened rather organically. It had to do with the nature of the cases that I was working in, particularly in serious fraud, and we were trying to essentially, we were working with pieces of software that were trying to intelligently piece things together in terms of timelines and chronologies. So the more I was getting involved in that and some multilingual document reviews, the more I started thinking, there must be a career behind this. This looks fairly interesting. I’ve always had the technology bug anyway. And I started looking into it in greater detail. Relativity was the first platform I used in terms of actually being a document reviewer and myself. So I wanted to find out the nuts and bolts and the everything that was happening behind this. And before you know it, I moved things around and I combined my legal expertise and essentially my love for law, with my love for technology, and I became a project manager in electronic discovery.

[Maribel] Interesting. And it’s funny because it seems to happen that way for everyone. It’s not a eureka moment, but more of they love law, but all of a sudden this technology piece becomes so interesting and inviting and they seem to just move into that area and fall in love with that even more.

[Melina] Yeah.

[Maribel] You recently joined our ACEDS UK board,

[Melina] I did.

[Maribel] As director for marketing. Thank you so much, we’re so excited. I wanted to talk to you a little bit more about that and why you volunteered for the board role and what impact you wanna make on the UK Chapter itself, but also on a global level with ACEDS because as a Chapter leader, you get more involved with what we do globally.

[Melina] Absolutely. I think in this greater arena overall, when you reach a particular level of seniority, it’s not often that you feel quite excited and challenged when you see something being posted. So when I show this particular position being open and that we actually had to go through a proper application process, it got me really, really excited, particularly the time when I was asked to pitch myself and what I had to contribute for me, and it had a lot to do with my fairly recent exposure to their certification through CEDS as well, it was particularly around the educational and the training piece that our chapter and overall in collaboration with the greater chapters and the global organization had to offer kind of like me returning a little bit back to the industry. You’ve put on the hours, you put on the mileage now it’s time that people can actually learn by you. And I just wanted to contribute more on that level. If that makes sense.

[Maribel] Can you tell me a little bit more about that whole application process? I love our UK Chapter board, they’re absolutely amazing at what they do with the chapter there. I’d love to hear a little bit more about that whole process and what you thought of that overall like, was it grueling, how was it a fun process?

[Melina] It was a very interesting one, because I kind of knew half of the members of the board already through obviously having crossed paths like working, on opposing sides or on the same side even, and what have you. But I did not approach any of them on that particular level. So, I went through the application, but what I found interesting about it was that, it wasn’t just, you attach your CV, they look at your skillset, basically had you done this, thank you very much, let’s do an interview. It was when I was invited to write a short paragraph about my strengths and what I would bring to the table that I thought, “Oh, these people actually are testing me.” They’re not just taking it at face value or you have X amount of years in the industry. So I remember writing it and then kind of rewriting it. And I remember sending it back to Claire, one of my fellow board members really, really proudly with a grin in my face. And I didn’t put any hashtags as a signature, but I was saying, “I’m really, really excited “in case I didn’t say this “and if words can convey my face, “this is what it looks like.” It just felt very interactive. And overall, you did feel that, joking aside, that you would be part of, you would be part of an experienced panel, but equally even the people that were competing for those bespoke two positions in the board had so much to offer. Kind of felt like you were already getting a little bit of an acknowledgement and recognition of your contribution before even getting selected, even if you hadn’t been selected for the process.

[Maribel] So given all of that, that whole process that you had to go through that clarifies it was a great application. So, that means you did amazing. Given all of that, what do you want to contribute? What are you looking for? Like what is going to drive you over the next year? Do you have some personal goals around being part of that board?

[Melina] I think so. I mean, there were two key things obviously with everything turning sideways with lockdown and everything being completely remote. We saw incredible value immediately behind vlogs, podcasts, and anything that we could potentially do to promote awareness around technology, talk about industry trends and overall, just anything that we can basically do for the neophytes in the industry, or actually even the veterans in there, we could do it through those channels. So, one of my key areas of focus would have been through podcasts and just like education and training and continuous education through those channels. And the other piece that was really close to my mission had to do with bridging the cross-jurisdictional, if you’d like gap and making sure we have a better understanding of cross-jurisdictional cases, workflows that could be applicable to both or could vary and for what reasons, all GDPR related issues. Again, this was beautifully coinciding with my experience with the actual certification, as I was part of the beta exam, that when ACEDS were trying to make it less US-focused than more EU-applicable. So I’ve very much enjoyed the drafting of new questions, not drafted by me as in, when I was in receipt of them in the very, very, very, challenging exam in the best of ways, yes. So those would be the two key areas I think that I would like to focus on.

[Maribel] Well, since we’re talking about certifications and congratulations on passing the beta, not everyone passed, but we did have a lot of people who said it was grueling who did pass. What I did wanna talk about a little bit in preparation for all of this is, you are a lawyer, but you also have your Relativity certification and you also hold your CEDS, what prompted you to get those and how are they benefiting you on the long-term? And then I’ll probably ask another question after that, as far as you being a lawyer, right? Especially in the UK, why those certifications are important, because a lot of lawyers don’t believe in getting those additional certifications. But I’ll start with the first ones. Like what prompted you?

[Melina] What prompted me? I think when each and every one of us essentially sit for more technical, more platform-based certifications this is ultimately about developing and solidifying our aptitude and our excellence in that specific platform. Speaking of the RCA and other Relativity, related certifications, I mean, that essentially walks you through all the ins and outs of the platform. And it’s a more hands-on exposure to what you need to do to be a properly certified administrator of the platform. When I made the leap for CEDS, through the incentive by my own boss, internally at Eversheds Sutherland, it had to do more about, this is actually a certification that grasps the entire EDRM and test actually properly test your knowledge around particular key components of the EDRM from a theoretical perspective. And even when you started taking the test questions, good codes, and trying to understand how different the test of the, sorry, the nature of the exam is, you could see they’re properly speaking to me as a professional, almost as a quasi lawyer, quasi technologies, and they’re asking me to properly, basically digest all of this scenarios and then form an opinion versus I click six buttons, I follow six steps and basically I can put a load file through a particular platform, happy days. Yeah. It was almost like the only Medal of Honor that if we currently have, as properly got technology experts, that’s the way I saw it, anyway.

[Maribel] How is having those certifications, have they benefited you on your career path and professionally?

[Melina] Absolutely. Aside from the fact that, and again, this is not very frequent. The more senior you become in any industry, I was genuinely really proud of myself for passing it. I felt kind of back in the days that I got qualified as a solicitor, and essentially I passed the bar. It genuinely created opportunities aside from the fact that it opened my eyes to broader aspects of the DRM, making me go back and revisit particular things. It made me feel even more well-equipped to articulate my guidance and my opinions around particular things. For example, around identification and preservation of ESI, ethical considerations around the discovery topics that not, I mean, I’ll be perfectly honest. I don’t think any other certification touches on, and it’s really, really important to go back and examine those things because ultimately, as an expert in this industry, you will be called upon having that 360 very educated opinion. It did open to me a very beautiful position in the ACEDS UK Chapter as a board member, which I am not that the certification, essentially it was a free ticket into it, but I do genuinely think that it carries some validity and I was very proud to add those initials into my surname, ’cause you know, it’s not long enough. We need even more letters after it. So yeah.

[Maribel] I didn’t know that, I was not noticing, I think it’s LLM and then RCA and then the CEDS. I love it, i liked the ongoing. So talking about being a solicitor and we frequently hear, some lawyers are always like, “I don’t need to have a certification in this, “I’ve passed the bar, I have a JD, or, “I’ve passed this solicitor exam.” Why do you think it’s, why would you recommend, right? A certification like either the RCA or other technology certifications or the CEDS to lawyers or other legal professionals?

[Melina] I think I’ve always been a preacher overall of gaining full experience through practice, and I still think it’s probably one of the best means through being completely hands on and project. So, even if someone doesn’t hold necessarily a technical certification, it’s not that you’re going to say “they don’t know what they’re doing in this specific arena.” Where I think certification start playing a completely different role is the fact that they translating each and every one of us almost speaking the same language, there’s something about them becoming identifiable, like a code thing. So very similar to whatever an MD would have next to their initials, or someone that has finished like their, doctorate or anything like that. In the technology sector, they started becoming more and more common. And therefore you knew that individuals that have sat through that very strenuous process each and every certification has its own path, that does actually bring something different to the table, if not for anything else, because they had to go through a specific curriculum, they had to have their knowledge and their understanding tested. And it’s ultimately, like I said, it translates technology into a common code for us.

[Maribel] So you talked a little bit about, how grueling the CEDS exam was. What advice would you give to others, right? Looking to get their certification and take the exam, the CEDS or the RCA?

[Melina] Very different advice for each of them. If I could focus on CEDS, I would say first off, if you have any doubt, absolutely endorse the scheme and I would definitely encourage each and every one of you to sit for the certification. I think it requires a dedication and engagement. I remember sitting in study groups and reading practically every evening and even weekends and doing test rounds and what have you, and being a lawyer, I love reading and I love being put to a challenge, so, that bug never leaves you. So I think through determination and just the key focus around the arenas that it explores that is in all lessons, the recipe for success, it’s not so much the time commitment. Doesn’t I know that it’s got some guidelines about potentially six or even eight months being dedicated to it. I am very lucky to have been able to do it in a much more limited timeframe, but it is about trying to engage with the mechanism of the exam, going back and forth with the amazing support resources that are being given to you when you have naturally questions as you’re progressing through the studying for the certification. Yeah, and then of course, it is a seven hour exam, so do not have any liquids before it, I should say it was extremely challenging because we could not do it in a specific center, in an exam center, everything was remotely. So you had to have everything checked in your room and what have you. And then you were waiting for the lovely bots on the other side, to give you permission to run to the bathroom for three seconds so that you can come back and continue. But it’s a seven hour exam, take your time I would say, and digest the information properly and understand what the question is actually asking of you, ’cause they can be a tad tricky when it comes to their interpretation.

[Maribel] Claire has a question. “Did you learn anything through the CEDS studying that you hadn’t come across in practice?”

[Melina] I think, I did in terms of particular methodologies that are more applicable in the US, but what I mean is that they are very much alive and very, very, very, basically very common in use that are completely non-applicable of this side of the pond, that would immediately be no, no, no, no. For example, I remember reading around, particular methodologies of de-duplication and talking about duplicate suppression, which is something that we never on this side of the pond because, no, no. And I remember reading about it and saying, that would not be applicable, et cetera. Anyway, fast forward a few months, I mean, this disclosure exercise on this side of the pond, obviously, and funnily enough, it became applicable. And then I remember chatting to my fellow CEDS members in my team ’cause they were four of us sitting the exam altogether. And I’m very, very proud to say that all four of us actually passed the exam. And we were all saying, “Oh, this is CEDS, this brings back memories.” “This is from the handbook.” And we were all like, it goes back to the common language that I was referring to. But yes, it did. I would say that overall also things around the greater legal framework around discovery or disclosure, whatever you want to call it, it definitely opened my eyes to a few more parameters that I just think through the trivialism of the cases and the pressure that we have in this industry, but the deadlines and what have you, every single day, we tend to forget or overlook even.

[Maribel] Yes. So, given all of that and the studying you had to do, everything you had to do to prepare, and I know that you are, I’ve listened to the podcast and we’ll talk about that a little bit more, but how do you continue, like educating yourself and staying up to date learning what’s going on in the industry? Just so that you’re on top of everything within for your role especially because as head of litigation technology there, you’ve got to be like ahead of the curve on what’s going on in the industry?

[Melina] I think, so I try to keep us informed and as updated as possible with newsletters and particular articles I have subscribed in. I don’t even know practically everything. And essentially they populate in my inbox and the catchy titles will totally get there, I’ll put a red flag and then I’ll make sure to make time to read through them. As again, joking aside, there are so many experts in this industry, and there’s always something new to learn and someone new to learn from, even if it is to say, “Yes, that is exactly what I would have done as well, but thank you for making me feel, if not anything else, sane.” Equally, this is actually one of the favorite parts of my job within Eversheds Sutherland. I make kids almost my mission to be learning, being head of litigation technology, learning from the lawyers themselves. So I really, really try to get a thorough understanding as to the technology work. If not why, could they have been a better way of adopting technology or a better way that we could have formulated the workflows around particular things? So there’s a little bit about that as yes, we all need to be three steps ahead of the game, but let’s be honest, nobody can keep up with technology. So it’s always emerging tech, emerging tech and understanding what are the current trends, but I think it’s equally, let’s make sure that we are examining what we’re doing in the present and make sure that everything that is happening from a workflow perspective or a guidance perspective gives our lawyers, our clients, overall anyone, the best possible support that they can have through the application of tech.

[Maribel] Well, with all of that, how are you seeing things? What are the trends that you’re seeing? And that first, let me back up a little bit. I’d love to know what’s the first newsletter, is it Chris Dale’s e-disclosure blog that comes into your, what is like the number one newsletter in your inbox?

[Melina] It’s actually the Artificial Lawyer one that I get, and I just find it to be incredibly intriguing ’cause it explores different arenas. And quite often, it just merely educates me on things that I didn’t even know were either happening. There’s one too many discoveries mergers acquisitions as I call it, the big shark swallowing the little fish, et cetera. So you’re struggling to keep up a little bit with the industry, and then you hear about this amazing things that happen applicable with banks or with the corporate entities and they just educates you. That’s in the ACEDS newsletter that I am very, very, very grateful for. Reminds me about everything that is happening in specific chapters and overall on a global perspective. So, the webinars that I would like to attend and overall, if there’s any publications or anyone speaking on a live basis, but yeah, I think those would be the key two things that catch my eye in my inbox every day.

[Maribel] And then the ACEDS, UK vlog is the next one, correct?

[Melina] I didn’t wanna toot our own horn. That goes without saying anything, ACEDS UK Chapter, absolutely. I mean, James and Brian essentially kicked things off with an amazing infusion into that. And all of us are gonna follow up with extremely interesting topics. And I think it’s yet another way of showing how we can offer our experiences if not anything else in the industry to the greater audience.

[Maribel] Excellent. So with all of this stuff that you’re reading, you’re getting in your inbox, what are the trends that you think are coming up? And I know like artificial intelligence everyone’s talking about, but are there other things that you can see?

[Melina] There is definitely a constant shifting of the axis to the earlier cases. I found that we spent, sorry, the earlier phases, I should say of a case. What I mean by that is that, we’ve been focusing so much into the actual review and analysis and everything predictive coding, and how many times can we essentially make the engines make the decisions for us, so we can blissfully go away on holiday or something along those lines? I find particularly with the importance around legal costs, time and cost efficiency, you find that now our end clients and our legal teams as well, they would like to have more efficient workflows around earlier insights into the data and the earlier investigation phases of our cases. So this is where I see the arena currently becoming more demanding from the end client perspective and equally for the technology to be able to deliver even more insightful workflows as opposed, what we would call early case assessment broadly.

[Maribel] And just switching over to some of that, right? The trends and things, you co-host a podcast for Eversheds Sutherland. And could you share a little bit more about the podcast and the goals that you guys have for that?

[Melina] Yeah, yeah, absolutely. We have a broader range of that are litigation and dispute management practice group holds, and they vary with a lot of really important topics. And within there, we try to, again, infuse it with technology related topics. So we have had three so far I believe. And the goal behind it is to be able to share our lessons from particular cases in terms of tech enabled approaches and talk behind the benefits and the challenges when working with technology, how can lawyers essentially free up much of their very valuable time and be able to work with technology in a much more intuitive way. And also kind of simplify the relatively jargony way of, sometimes technology might feel when we’re talking about discovery components and trial preparation components as well, and make it a little bit more relatable to the not so tech savvy audience. So it makes sense?

[Maribel] Total sense. ‘Cause I’ve been in preparation for today. I’ve been listening to the podcast and gathered some things. And I know you’ve talked about things like multi-jurisdictional, e-discovery and litigation, multilanguage, those are some of the things. Is there a favorite episode that you have so far? I know it’s only three or is there something coming up that you’re planning?

[Melina] I wouldn’t call that a favorite ’cause that would not be, my reports will have my head on a stake. What I will say though, is that I still keep really, really fun. The first episode that we essentially delivered because it was around women and empowering women in technology, it was released on International Women’s Day. Being a woman myself and wanting to inspire more young women to be getting involved in technology, I still think that has just a little bit of a special spot in my heart, no disrespect to the boys, of course.

[Maribel] No disrespect whatsoever. And I wanna share, ’cause I wrote this down specifically for today because I listened to that podcast as well in addition to the other two. And I want to share a quote from that when you closed out that podcast, which is, and just so you know, Melina, this is near and dear to my heart I lead the diversity initiative and diversity inclusion initiative here at ACEDS globally, I do a lot around women’s empowerment and other things. So your quote, when you close out that really wonderful episode was, “We want to say to all women out there: there’s nothing that can not be achievable. There’s nothing that is too big for your shoes, no matter how tiny they might be. There’s nothing that you cannot achieve. Do your best, claim what you think is yours. And if anything, don’t fear to embrace sectors that were male dominated or even say more identified closely with men because of stereotypes.” You closed it out with that, it was so powerful, it was so brilliant. You also talked about how tiny you are and I laughed a lot out, but I really encourage everyone to listen to that one because it was a really interesting and powerful one for International Women’s Day. So thank you so much. I took a lot away from that.

[Melina] It’s a very kind of you, thank you.

[Maribel] You’re welcome. So my question there would be, how do you think we can continue to help more women forward, right? You’re a leader within your organization, and you’re also managing up and out, I assume. So how can we continue to help women forward in an industry that has been predominantly male dominated, both in technology and in law?

[Melina] I genuinely think women are not short of ambition at all. It’s more about particular roles that have been traditionally, as we were mentioning labeled with men and what have you, how do we keep women motivated? In all honesty, I think it’s only simple by carrying on like raising awareness, promoting the good word, showing that by supporting one another, there are wonderful things that we can achieve individually and collaboratively. And whilst I am very grateful to many, many male figures in my career and I’m still learning through quite a few of them, I should say. There’s just something special when you just feel that you’ve expanded, not just your skillset and anything. You’re basically accomplishing some things that somebody may have said, “No, no, no, I wouldn’t go that way,” “no, no, no, that might be a little bit too much for you.” “You might be too much of this or too little of that.” And just try to silence this whispers the world’s your oyster. Like I said, anything you wanna do, please feel free to do it .

[Maribel] I love that. So we’re getting to the end, right? We we’ve had a good half hour together. As we wrap up, I’d love to know what makes you feel inspired or like your best self?

[Melina] What makes me feel inspired? I would say most definitely the younger generations that I am working with and I am very blessed to have two teams that are reporting to me and each and every one of them are very, very unique and they are in different stages of their lives. And I find that when I’ve had one too many deadlines, one too many emails as you and I were talking before, one too many Zoom meetings, the things that keep motivated and inspires when I actually get to explain and take it back to the basics to some younger members. Why? ‘Cause in all honesty, it reminds me of how I was when I was at their particular age and stage and level of work and how challenging and intimidating those things with technology felt insurmountable sometimes. And I always say, just breathe, we’re all here to work on this collaboratively. Nothing is happening. Let me walk you through it. And there’s just a little thing that puts a spring in my step when that happens.

[Maribel] I love that. I feel the same. I have some mentees that are the younger generation that I’ve been working with and it feels really good to, and I’m learning from them as well, but they inspire me at the same time that they tell me I inspire them so I can understand that totally. There’s always something I think I can learn from them. Giving it a soft skill, right? Or a technical skill or something else.

[Melina] Absolutely.

[Maribel] What should I ask you that I have not asked you today?

[Melina] What my favorite book is?

[Maribel] Yes.

[Melina] What is my dream job would be? How to know, how I survived this pandemic?

[Maribel] Yes, let’s start at your favorite book.

[Melina] My favorite book is “Alice in Wonderland.” I absolutely love it. And I do often think that my life is kind of trying to mimic like on occasion, but yes, that is my favorite book.

[Maribel] I won’t even ask who the white rabbit is in your life then?

[Melina] I’m definitely the mad Hatter. I think so, you’re that much like your movement. Yeah, I think so. I think I’ve identified with that figure, yes.

[Maribel] How have you survived the pandemic? And I know you’ve talked about it a little bit in some of the things that I’ve seen you post on LinkedIn, ’cause I’ve been following and stocking you softly it online, but I I’d love to hear a little bit more, especially I know the UK has gone in and out of lockdown several times.

[Melina] I mean, I think it has been incredibly challenging, I will not lie. Sometimes I’ve managed to deal with things in a more successful and in a more productive way, and some other times I literally just felt, “Okay today, no.” Computer says, no, the system is down. I simply just want to completely disconnect. I think for people like myself, because I live in a country that I actually don’t originate from and the pandemic flawed me and completely made it, it made it impossible for me to be able to see my family, that has been one of the most challenging things. It’s coming over to two years or two years and a half that I haven’t seen my family, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to towards the end of the summer. But overall meditation, affirmations, trying to reestablish some boundaries with work-life balance, again, sometimes you’ll get it right, sometimes the demands of the job and the demands of life are simply there that you cannot possibly say no, I would say just looking a little bit more in words, reevaluating, reassessing a few more things. And hopefully now that we are hopefully towards the actual end of the tunnel, coming out a stronger person or an even stronger person, that’s the way, I think .

[Maribel] I will have to share with you, if you like R&B music, I will share with you affirmations that are R&B style. And it’s a great way to start your morning.

[Melina] Brilliant, I already love that, please and thank you

[Maribel] You’re welcome. Last question before we go.

[Melina] Ask.

[Maribel] And I have to ask, because if I don’t ask, I might get in trouble with Mike Quartararo.

[Melina] Oh wow!

[Maribel] Stones or Beatles?

[Melina] I mean, I’d say the Stones are closer to my rocky rebel nature, but the Beatles are my mom’s favorite band. I’ve grown up listening to the Beatles and my mum humming in the kitchen or taking them everywhere. So the jury was out, they’ve come back here at is, the Beatles.

[Maribel] What is your favorite Stone song?

[Melina] “Miss You,” it is yes. Yeah, I really love that song.

[Maribel] We’ll have to play that, when we get together we will play that song.

[Melina] Absolutely.

[Maribel] Melina, thank you so much for joining us today at WeAreACEDS, it has been a complete pleasure. I can’t believe we’ve been almost 40 minutes together, it doesn’t seem like 15 minutes has passed. But you’ve shared so much and I can’t tell you how much we appreciate you joining us. For everyone else, thank you again for joining us. I’m Maribel Rivera, I was joined by Melina Efstathiou, right? Did I say it correctly?

[Melina] 99%, almost there, almost there. But thank you so much for having me.

[Maribel] Thank you.

[Melina] Keep practicing.

[Maribel] I will, I will.

[Melina] Thanks a lot.

[Maribel] All right guys, thank you so much. If you haven’t subscribed to get updates, please feel free to follow ACEDS on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Twitter, you’ll find our ACEDS UK blog is on our playlist there. So you can stay up to date and subscribe to that. You can also find eDiscovery Leaders Live with George Socha from Reveal-Brainspace on Friday. Every Tuesday, we have Kelly Twigger of eDiscovery Assistant and ESI Attorneys with Case of the Week. Please follow subscribe. And if you have ever have any questions for Melina, feel free or anyone on the ACEDS UK board, feel free to reach out to them at [email protected]. Thank you guys, have a great day.

[Melina] Thanks everyone, have a good day. Bye.

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