Colin Houghton, Zapproved: How to Produce a Subpoena Response Without Losing Your Cool

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Extract from Colin Houghton’s article “How to Produce a Subpoena Response Without Losing Your Cool”

So, your company has been served with a subpoena to produce evidence. Is your first instinct to panic? It doesn’t have to be. With the right tools in place, you can craft a subpoena response like the cool, collected professional you are. This blog will give you some key tips on how to best respond to a third party subpoena request.

H2- What is a Third Party Subpoena Request?

Plain and simple, a third party subpoena request for documents , or more formally a “subpoena duces tecum” is a court order requiring a third party to produce documents. Complying with this type of subpoena requires that an organization produce the requested documents, it does not require a third party to give testimony.

Many types of businesses hold information that could be relevant or even critical to civil litigation between external parties. Subpoenas are often directed at individuals or organizations who aren’t otherwise involved in the case. For example, a financial institution may receive a subpoena request from a litigant involved in a divorce proceeding. In addition, without prior knowledge on how to handle these requests, they can be a huge headache for certain organizations. But with the proper tools and training, you can respond to third party subpoena requests easily and efficiently.

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