Craig Ball: Girding for the E-Savvy Opponent (Revisited)

Extract from Craig Ball’s article “Girding for the E-Savvy Opponent (Revisited)”

A friend shared that she was seeing the Carole King musical, “Beautiful,” and I recalled the time I caught it twice on different visits to London in 2015 because I enjoyed it so. I reflected on why I was in London in Summer nine years ago and came across a post from the time–a post that I liked well-enough to revisit it below. I predicted the emergence of the e-savvy opponent, something that has indeed come to pass, yet less-widely or -effectively than I’d hoped (and still hope for). A new generation of e-discoverers has emerged since, so perhaps the post will be fresh (and remain relevant) for more than a few, and sufficiently forgotten to feel fresh for the rest:

(From May 12, 2015): I am in Great Britain this week addressing an E-Discovery and Information Governance conclave, joined by esteemed American colleagues and friends, Jason Baron and Ralph Losey among other luminaries.  My keynote topic opening the conference is Girding for the E-Savvy Opponent. Here is a smattering of what I expect to say.

I arrived in London from Budapest in time to catch some of the events for the 70th anniversary of VE Day, marking the hard-won victory over Germany in the war that shortly followed the war that was to have ended all wars.

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