Dave Ruel, Hanzo: Efficient Ediscovery for Gmail & Other Complex Collaboration Data

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Extract from Dave Ruel’s article “Efficient Ediscovery for Gmail & Other Complex Collaboration Data”

Organizations that use Gmail for business communications need a way to preserve and extract discoverable information in the event of litigation. The question is, how?

We’ve already discussed why Gmail is an important data source for modern ediscovery and why it can be difficult to preserve, collect, and review. There are two primary challenges:

  • organizations must simultaneously implement and monitor multiple legal holds across multiple complex data sources and  
  • individuals charged with managing legal holds and data collection efforts often need help from the IT department—which introduces workflow bottlenecks and unacceptable delays.

Today, in our third installment, we’re shining a light on how Hanzo solves those challenges.

Hanzo enables ediscovery professionals to put custodians on hold across Gmail, Slack, and the broader Google Workspace environment in one simple, clear, easy-to-read dashboard view. This single view gives users full control over legal holds for some of the most challenging data sources in modern ediscovery.

Read more here