Doug Austin, eDiscovery Today: As the Pandemic Continues, Lawyer and IT Jobs May Still Be Fine. Support Staff? Maybe Not: Legal Jobs Trends

Extract from Doug Austin’s article “As the Pandemic Continues, Lawyer and IT Jobs May Still Be Fine. Support Staff? Maybe Not: Legal Jobs Trends”

The pandemic and remote work that followed has caused law firm leaders to reassess firm structures and root out potential inefficiencies that may have burdened them for years.  According to a recent article, that restructuring isn’t likely to end, even when the pandemic does.

In The American Lawyer (As Firms Restructure Staffs for the Post-Pandemic Future, Who Will Be Protected and Exposed?, by Dan Roe), the author notes that “[a]dministrators, legal administrative assistants and other facility-focused law firm employees are in a precarious position for 2021 and beyond as firms question the need for physical spaces and their associated staff.”

According to legal consultant and Calibrate Legal CEO Jennifer Johnson, she’s spoken with several C-suite professionals in recent months eager to optimize their departments.

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