Dylan Salisbury, Relativity: Requests for Information: The Good, The Bad, and The Technology


Extract from Dylan Salisbury’s article “Requests for Information: The Good, The Bad, and The Technology”

Requests for information are becoming increasingly common, and with emerging regulation such as the CCPA and the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s no end in sight. Now is the time to assume a proactive approach and ensure your organization is prepared for these projects.

At Relativity Fest, we spoke with Philip Laffey, senior associate general counsel at Global Payments Inc., about his experience with responding to RFIs and what changes he anticipates may be around the corner for this type of work.

During the session, Relativity’s Joe Hirasawa interviewed Philip about his background in government, the private sector, and academia to help paint a more complete picture of this issue and what can be done about it.

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