E-Discovery Day 2022
Join ACEDS for E-Discovery Day 2022 on Thursday, December 1! ACEDS and industry leaders will be hosting events to celebrate the growing importance of the e-discovery practice and give legal technology professionals a day to connect and learn.
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E-Discovery Day Agenda - Thursday, December 1, 2022
Preparing for 2023—6 Foolproof Ways to Optimize ECA Workflow
Time: 11 AM—12 PM EST
Description: Law firms who can locate and evaluate relevant information at the outset of a legal matter keep clients and win cases. These same firms do so with a bullet-proof Early Case Assessment workflow. When done well, ECA is like a crystal ball that gives you a sneak peek into the future life of a case, allowing you to glean all the insight you need to formulate an effective strategy and efficiently handle the matter to its correct conclusion.
Sonja C. Peterson Practice Support Manager from Parsons Behle & Latimer and Randi Truelove, Lead Solutions Engineer at IPRO will discuss 6 foolproof ways and best practices your law firm can adopt to handle ECA more efficiently and effectively.
Speakers: Sonja Peterson of Parsons Behle & Latimer and Randi Trulove of IPRO
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Exploring the New ISO Standard on Information Governance
Time: 1-2 PM EST
Description: Join a panel of information governance experts as they unpack and discuss the new International Standard for Information Governance (ISO 24143) from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Business people understand that information is a critical asset that is indispensable in supporting business outcomes. Due to numerous existing and emerging information-related risks, organizations often struggle to implement consistent and comprehensive systems to store, retrieve, share and analyze information. In this webinar you will learn the importance of implementing a consistent and standardized information governance programs within your organization.
Speakers: Jason Stearns of Arrayo, Andrew Ysasi of Vital Records Control, Kenya Parrish-Dixon of Empire Technologies Risk Management Group and Mike Quartararo of ACEDS
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ACEDS Texas Chapters: CLE Workshops and Social Hour
Time: 12-5 PM CST
Description: Deep in the heart of Texas, come celebrate E-Discovery Day with your industry peers for three e-discovery CLE eligible topical workshops
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2022 Survey Results: The State of Collaboration Data & Corporate Readiness
Time: 3-4 PM EST
Description: ACEDS and Hanzo have partnered for the third consecutive year to survey the market use of collaboration data in ediscovery and litigation. During this webinar, we’ll share the 2022 collaboration data benchmark results. Over the past three years, the use of collaboration platforms has solidified their importance for enterprises supporting remote and hybrid working environments, and case law has validated collaboration data’s relevance and proportionality for ediscovery. The panelists will discuss on the following
- The essential survey findings
- Analyze what the benchmarks suggest
- Organizational preparedness for responding to preservation and discovery obligations.
Speakers: Dave Ruel of Hanzo, Lawrence Briggi of IBM, Ryan M. Zilm of Motiva, and Mike Quartararo of ACEDS
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ACEDS Vancouver Chapter: A Practical Guide to Explaining Machine Learning
Time: 12-1 PM PST
Description: Join us for a machine learning presentation followed by a fun practice exercise which will demonstrate the efficiency of machine learning. The right case can greatly benefit from machine learning, especially with regards to the volume of data or time restrictions.
After this in person session you will be equipped to tell the story of how machine learning works, how it can be trusted, and the best times to use it for your projects. Deloitte will provide each person with their own card deck and instruction sheet to run the machine learning exercise in your own offices.
Speakers: Peter Sandford, Partner, Forensic at Deloitte
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A Very Special E-Discovery Day Kahoot
Time: 5-5:45 PM EST
Description: Join host David Greetham and more e-discovery luminaries, thought leaders, and professionals for an entertaining game of Kahoot! covering all sorts of trivia. Started during the COVID lockdown as a means to stay connected with e-discovery peers, David’s Kahoots grew into legendary events with on occasion over a hundred participants. Join in the fun to end the day. The event is open to all, no need to pre-register.
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ACEDS NY Metro Chapter: E-Discovery Day Happy Hour at the Classic Car Club
Time: 5-8 PM EST
Description: Register to reserve yourself a spot at our E-Discovery Day Happy Hour at the Classic Car Club on Thursday, December 1st! Join us for food, drinks, trivia, two classic car simulation rooms, and networking with your e-discovery colleagues in celebration of the vital role e-discovery professionals play in the legal process.
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ACEDS DC Chapter: E-Discovery Day Happy Hour
Time: 5:30-8 PM EST
Description: Join us for a few drinks, small bites, and a good time at BAR-CODE with your friends at Innovative Driven, ACEDS, and Women in eDiscovery.
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ACEDS Orange County Chapter: E-Discovery Day Happy Hour and Toy Drive
Time: 5-7 PM PST
Description: Please come join us, at Gulliver's Prime Rib in Irvine, as we celebrate eDiscovery day! Food and drink will be provided. All we ask is that donate a toy(s) that will be given to a local toy drive.
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ACEDS Australia New Zealand Chapter—Forensics: The Foundation of eDiscovery
Time: 1-2 PM AEDT
Description: Join us for a one hour webinar on eDiscovery Day where our panel of experts in Forensic Technology, eDiscovery, Software and Government explain why a solid approach and simple considerations to collecting data for eDiscovery are required on every matter to avoid lost time, cost and spoilage of useful data.
Learn about the fundamentals of computers and data management (what happens when I create, move or delete a file on a computer or the cloud) and why it is imperative to understand this to run a dispute involving electronic documents. What commercial decision making should I adopt when a matter starts and how do I get my client on board? And what happens in the real world, what have our experts seen, what do the courts and regulators say you must do at a minimum?
Take away 5 key tips for getting evidence and data management for eDiscovery right.
Speakers: David Kerstjens of CFDS, Blare Sutton of McGrath Nicol, and Angela Bunting of EDT
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