Extract from Ellen O’Leary’s article “Navigating Cloud-Based Data Collection in a Hybrid Environment”
The widespread acceptance of flexible working practices has led to greater adoption of digital collaboration tools. As a result, many legal professionals are continuing to work outside the office, even as businesses return to more traditional work models.
Meanwhile, ESI collection during eDiscovery involves more data types and data volumes than ever before. The increased reliance on cloud-based collaboration platforms like Dropbox, Slack, Google Drive, Outlook, OneDrive, and Gmail has further expanded the scope of data being collected. Also, the ever-more-complex regulatory compliance environment is driving significant increases in data volumes.
So, what does this mean for today’s legal professionals? Capable eDiscovery technology and analytics will be a long-term, strategic advantage for processing data and meeting deadlines. Designing strong, efficient workflows, along with appropriate technologies, is necessary to effectively collect ESI and process these new data types in the cloud without requiring extensive IT help. At the same time, legal teams must avoid incurring unnecessary costs or delays during inquiries, investigations, or litigation.