Epiq Expert-Supported Invoice Review Identifies Non-Compliant Timekeeper Billing Patterns, Saves Over $600K for Large Energy Company


Extract from Epiq’s article: “Epiq Expert-Supported Invoice Review Identifies Non-Compliant Timekeeper Billing Patterns, Saves Over $600K for Large Energy Company”

Client need

A law department wished to unburden in-house counsel from the time-consuming task of reviewing law firm bills and analyzing their eBilling data for instances of non-compliance with Outside Counsel Billing Guidelines (OCGs) leading to potential cost leakage.

Why Epiq

The client sought assistance from Epiq because our experts are respected and trusted advisors in the industry. The client had confidence in our team’s ability to provide an objective analysis of their invoice review and eBilling system.

Epiq solution

Pilot Phase

Epiq conducted a limited-scope pilot invoice review on two key matters for a total of about $4M. While performing in-flight review within the client’s eBilling system, Epiq’s experts externally applied data analytics to glean insights into timekeeping trends. 

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