Exterro E-Book: The Definitive Guide to E-Discovery 2nd Edition

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The Definitive Guide to E-Discovery 2nd Edition

Few professions in the world are like e-discovery—a smorgasbord of legal and regulatory compliance, technological know-how, project management skills, and a little IT thrown in for good measure. With the rise of new privacy laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), along with copycat legislation being considered by 25+ states, e-discovery and related legal processes—legal holds, preservation and collection of data, and review, for example—are certain to change this year and into the future.

That said, Exterro’s Definitive Guide to E-Discovery is 100+ pages of in-depth e-discovery information designed to get you through each stage of the e-discovery process. The guide is broken down into five sections—each with their own best practices, technology tips, and up-to-date analysis to help maintain streamlined efficiency across all teams that handle data in your organization.

  • Get an in-depth walkthrough of every stage in the e-discovery process, from preservation to review
  • Establish your process the right way with project management tips
  • Updated to include new data privacy compliance management

Download the E-Book here