Exterro White Paper: 4 E-Discovery & Privacy Predictions for 2020

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4 E-Discovery & Privacy Predictions for 2020
The Exterro Crystal Ball Showcases 4 Key Trends to Look For

Predicting the future is difficult—just ask anyone who buys, sells, or even holds assets in the stock market. Over the years, experts have made predictions of all sorts using their own data sets, algorithms, gut instincts, or just pure imagination. And what seems like a sound prediction from afar can quickly be turned on its head via new rules, legislative changes to existing rules, free market mechanisms, or a black swan event.

Read this whitepaper for predictions on:

  • The next step in the evolution of AI for E-Discovery and Privacy software
  • The impact of the CCPA on the discovery process
  • What future privacy regulations might look like
  • The key role that technology will play for in-house legal departments over the next 5 years

Download the white paper here