FRONTEO: Important eDiscovery Considerations for Japanese Companies Part 2


Extract from FRONTEO’s article “Important eDiscovery Considerations for Japanese Companies Part 2”

With the surge in cross-border litigation and investigations in the Asia-Pacific region in recent years, it’s more important than ever to understand your service provider’s reputation points.

This webinar will discuss the key points to consider when selecting an eDiscovery service provider in relation to cross-border deals involving organizations in Japan and Asia Pacific (APAC).

Specifically, the availability of local discovery specialists, compliance with data privacy laws and regulations, whether the selected service provider has the appropriate linguistic expertise, and analytical and technical support solutions that take into account the specific nuances of the CJK languages. It includes items such as whether it is possible to provide

A checklist for selecting an eDiscovery service provider and plenty of information to help you create guidelines.

Read more here