Aug 18, 2021, 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Corporate legal teams traditionally respond to ediscovery demands with a matter-centric collections approach. It seems logical; put a custodian on hold, collect their data to preserve it, and you’re off to the races. Unfortunately, this standard approach does not translate well to collaboration data sources like Slack.
In this discussion, we’ll explore the challenges organizations encounter trying to do discovery the old way, address why old thinking is unsustainable, and share insights on how to stop introducing unnecessary risk and cost by modernizing your ediscovery approach with a “collect once-use many” solution. At the end of the session, you’ll also see a quick demo of how Hanzo Hold can help corporate legal teams modernize their ediscovery workflows, prepare for the wave of discovery requests and investigations that involve data from collaboration platforms.
Brad Harris, VP of Product, Hanzo
Brad Harris is the VP of Product at Hanzo, a pioneer in the contextual capture, and preservation of dynamic web and collaboration content for corporate legal and compliance departments. He leads product vision and innovation for the company. Brad has more than 30 years of experience in the high technology and enterprise software sectors, including assisting Fortune 1000 companies to enhance their e-discovery preparedness through technology and process improvement. Brad is a frequent author and speaker on data preservation and e-discovery issues and is a member of The Sedona Conference WG1 and WG6.