Extract from TRU Staffing Partners’ article “Homegrown Is No Longer the Only Solution to Blockchain Talent Acquisition”
Part One of this series, “Maneuvering the Madness of Cyber and ESI Education & Certification,” examines basic and broadly accepted industry-standard certifications that can be achieved within a year’s time or less: CEDS (Certified E-Discovery Specialist), GIAC (Global Information Assurance Certification) and RCA (Relativity Certified Administrator) programs.
Part Two of the series, “The IGP and CFSR: Transitioning Your E-Discovery Career Into a Cybersecurity One,” exposes two lesser-known but rapidly accepted certifications, the IGP (Information Governance Professional) from ARMA International (Association of Records Managers and Administrators) and the CFSR (Certified Forensic Security Responder) from Guidance Software Inc., makers of EnCase and the EnCE.