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Uncovering Insights and Innovations: ACEDS at ILTACON 2024

Join Us for Engaging Sessions, Networking Opportunities, and the Latest in Legal Tech

Visit Us at Booth 914

Discover the exciting opportunities ACEDS has to offer in training, certification, and membership enrollment. Our team will be available to answer your questions and help you take the next step in your professional journey.


The Promises and Potential Perils of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the AI Jungle

Monday, August 12  •  11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Magnolia Ballroom

In this session, industry leaders will guide you through the very promising yet potentially perilous landscape of artificial intelligence, revealing the enormous benefits and unexpected opportunities and how to avoid hidden dangers posed by AI to the legal system and society at large. Like the classic "Pitfall" video game, you may encounter hazards and challenges, but can uncover the treasure amidst the digital quicksand.

The session will kick-off with a treasure trove of triumphs and cautionary tales, we will focus on a crucial discussion on potentially taming this powerful technology. Join us to explore how we can navigate the AI jungle, turning pitfalls into pathways and learning to harness AI's potential for the greater good.


  • Julie Brown, CEDS, Director of Practice Technology at Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
  • Cat Casey, Chief Growth Officer at Reveal
  • David Horrigan, Discovery Counsel and Legal Education Director at Relativity
  • Michael Quartararo, President of ACEDS (Moderator)

Unmasking the Impostor: Fostering Confidence in Women in Tech

Wednesday, August 14  •  3:30 PM - 4:30 PM CDT
Governor’s Ballroom North

Participate in a transformative session as we confront the Impostor Phenomenon, a psychological pattern that is often encountered by professional women in the tech sector. Our panel, composed of industry innovators and psychologists, will share wisdom, strategies, and personal journeys to assist attendees in identifying and overcoming this prevalent issue.

We will probe into the origins of the Impostor Phenomenon, its influence on career development and personal growth, and practical techniques for dispelling self-doubt. This session will also accentuate the value of mentorship, networking, and fostering supportive work environments to enhance self-belief and success among women in tech.

Whether you're a professional navigating the Impostor Phenomenon or a leader committed to supporting your team, this session will offer valuable perspectives and tools to promote a more self-assured, inclusive, and successful tech industry.


  • Tiffany Pereira, VP, Customer Success at MinuteBox
  • Melanie Prevost, Senior Director of Infrastructure and Technical Support Services at Vinson & Elkins
  • Maribel Rivera, VP of Strategy and Client Engagement at ACEDS
  • Candi Smith, CEDS
Community Reception

Community Cocktail Reception

Tuesday, August 13  •  5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
Water’s Edge at Delta Island

Join us for the annual ACEDS Community Reception at ILTACON, sponsored by Relativity, Exterro, Legal Tech Talent Network, and Venio Systems. This is a fantastic opportunity to network, share insights, and build connections with fellow professionals in the eDiscovery and legal tech communities.

Grand Ole Opry Sponsor:

relativity logo
Smokey Mountain Sponsors:

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities Available

Contact Maribel Rivera at [email protected] for more information. 

Schedule a Meeting

Schedule a Meeting with Our Executive Team at ILTACON

Are you interested in group enrollment, team training (virtual or in-person), chapters, or our partnership programs? Schedule a meeting with our executive team during ILTACON to discuss how ACEDS can support your organization’s needs and goals. 

How to Schedule a Meeting 

To arrange a meeting with one of our executives, please follow these steps: 

  1. Email Us: Send an email to [email protected] with your preferred date and time, along with the topics you’d like to discuss. 
  2. Use Our Online Scheduler: Click here to access our online scheduling tool and book your meeting directly. 
Why Meet with Us? 

Discussing your needs in person with our executive team will provide you with tailored insights and personalized solutions. Whether you're looking to enroll a group of employees, offer companywide discounts, train your team, establish a new chapter, or explore partnership opportunities, our experts are here to help. 

Discussion Topics:

  • Group Enrollment: Learn about our special rates and benefits for group enrollments in our certification programs. 
  • Team Training: Explore our flexible training options, including virtual and in-person sessions designed to fit your team's schedule. 
  • Chapters: Discover how to start or join a local ACEDS chapter to connect with like-minded professionals in your area. 
  • Partnership Programs: Discuss opportunities for collaboration and partnership to advance eDiscovery and legal technology education. 

We look forward to meeting you at ILTACON and discussing how ACEDS can help your organization achieve its training and certification goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with our executive team and take your professional development to the next level. 

Affiliate Sessions

Unraveling the Impact of Coded Bias on Diversity and Inclusion

Monday, August 12  •  3:00 PM CDT
Magnolia Ballroom

Join ILTA’s DEI Committee for a dynamic panel discussion that delves deep into the heart of technological advancements and their unintended side effects: coded bias. This critical conversation aims to uncover how biases hidden within algorithms and AI systems inadvertently perpetuate discrimination, affecting diversity and inclusion efforts across industries. Our panel of experts will explore the origins of coded bias, its significant impact on various demographics, especially marginalized communities, and discuss proactive strategies for creating more inclusive and equitable tech environments. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of ensuring technology serves as a bridge, not a barrier, to diversity and inclusion. Whether you're a technology professional, advocate for social justice, or simply keen on shaping a more just digital world, this panel will equip you with insights and actions for reducing bias in the future.

Moderator: Candi Smith (Disney)

Panelists: Priti Saraswat (BakerHostetler), Julia Satov (Litera), and Jess Barre, JD (TRU Staffing Partners)

Data to Decision: Bridging eDiscovery and Case Management 

Tuesday, August 13  •  11:00 AM CDT
Delta Ballroom B

Discover how to move beyond traditional tools to fully utilize the rich data obtained from your eDiscovery efforts. This session will explore effective methods to harness eDiscovery data for case management. Learn to integrate diverse data types into case management systems for a comprehensive analysis including use cases that involve AI. We'll discuss strategies for extracting critical information from documents, creating detailed case chronologies, and linking attorney work with essential documents. The session will also cover handling deposition transcripts, from preparation to summary. Seasoned experts will share insights on developing a robust project plan for case management success. Join us to refine your case strategy and fact management skills, transforming raw data into decisive legal action.

Speakers: Kim Bookout, Director of Solution Consulting, Opus 2

What’s Next: The Future of AI in Litigation and Arbitration

Tuesday, August 13  •  2:00 PM CDT
Room to be announced

Speaker: Raymond Bentinck, Chief Product Officer, Opus 2

Relativity Master Class Session: Generative AI’s Impact on e-Discovery: What Every Practitioner Needs to Know 

Tuesday, August 13  •  3:30 PM CDT
Tennessee CDE

Generative AI has become an integral part of our lives, and the court systems are no exception. In the early days of ChatGPT, headlines emerged about attorneys using the technology to produce fake case citations in court filings, resulting in various standing orders and bar guidelines limiting or restricting the use of generative AI—and in some situations, all AI.

No reported case has yet addressed generative AI in the context of e-discovery, but we don’t need a crystal ball to predict that the issue will soon come to a head. Before we get to that point, it would benefit all parties—counsel and judges alike—to better understand the benefits and challenges of this technology and how it works in the context of document review.

In this session, we’ll help you do just that. Join us to explore the history of generative AI, real-world AI uses cases in e-discovery, and some best practices for using generative AI in document review.


ILTACON Keynotes: A Must-Attend for the Future of Legal Tech and Inclusion

At ACEDS, we are dedicated to advancing the future of legal and legal tech, and fostering spaces of inclusion and belonging. We encourage you to attend the insightful keynotes at ILTACON 2024. Here’s why you can’t afford to miss them: 

Monday Keynote 

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM CDT

The mastermind behind Bloomberg's series "The Future with Hannah Fry" and esteemed Professor of Mathematics, Hannah Fry, will be appearing at ILTACON as one of our expert keynote speakers! Her explorations have taken her far and wide, where she has engaged with leaders in AI, robotics, chemistry, and technology. Through her extensive experiences, she has uncovered future technological advancements and their potential impacts on society. 


  • Hannah Fry, Professor in the Mathematics of Cities 

Wednesday Keynote 

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM CDT 

While all law firms are comfortable in the courtroom, most would not feel that same level of comfort in the emergency room nor the newsroom due to a failing in security. Today, those risks are enhanced pertaining to physical, data, and reputational risks that can stem from internal or external situations, dramas, compromises, or breaches, all with one singular thing in common – your people. Jeff McKissack, a noted authority in these areas, will help us better first identify what some of these lesser-known but highly volatile risks are, suggest strategies in mitigating such risks, and develop that all-important paper or digital trail of proactive due diligence, regardless of what 'room' you might find yourself in later. This is about teaching you how to spot trouble 'before' trouble spots you and your firm. 


  • Jeff McKissack, President, Defense by Design 

These keynotes are designed to provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to navigate the evolving legal tech landscape while championing inclusivity and belonging. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of these transformative discussions. 

We look forward to seeing you at ILTACON 2024! Don’t forget to stop by booth 914.

Together, we can navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities in the ever-evolving landscape of legal technology, legal data and eDiscovery.