Jared Coseglia: Eye on ESI Details a Month-Long Wild Ride for ESI Industry

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Extract from Jared Coseglia’s article “Eye on ESI Details a Month-Long Wild Ride for ESI Industry”

This month’s Eye on ESI webinar, featuring TRU Staffing Partners’ Founder and CEO Jared Coseglia and ACEDS President Mike Quartararo, showcased the latest trends and happenings in the ESI job market. Coseglia began the discussion by reminding the attendees that many of the stats shared in today’s meeting were based on information found in TRU’s 2024 eDiscovery Jobs Report.

Coseglia: We have some new trends for the month of May. Just so you know, May was a very milestone-driven month, and the milestones were very unusual and often contradictory. We’ll unpack those trends to show how we’ve arrived at a unique place in the year for the ESI market.

Bullet 1: Last month, TRU recruiters saw the highest number of declined offers of any month this year. This happened for two reasons: first, people are getting multiple offers now at the point of hire. There is a high demand for the same types of candidates within a certain salary range, the number of active job seekers has diminished, and hiring managers are fighting over the same candidates. And in multiple offer situations, several employers are being declined. Second, we’re seeing candidates decline new roles and deciding not to leave their current jobs, which is also unusual. These people are either taking counteroffers (and this is a trend we haven’t seen in 18 months) or are just deciding to leave the market.

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