Jeff Johnson: Bird’s Eye View on Gen AI – Predictions for the Future in the Legal Sphere

Extract from Jeff Johnson’s article “Bird’s Eye View on Gen AI – Predictions for the Future in the Legal Sphere”

It is increasingly apparent AI will reset many areas of our lives and redefine a wide array of professional roles. Our legal/legal adjacent professions are certainly not exempt. Over time, AI will alter the daily work of legal practitioners and reshape the ethical and regulatory frameworks governing the industry.

The Gen AI advancements of the past 24 months will almost certainly accelerate and magnify these changes. This final installment in our “Checking the Pulse” series explores the anticipated future of Gen AI in the legal sector, focusing on its integration into daily work, the impact on legal research and case strategy, and the broader transformation of legal practice and discovery.

Seamless Integration into Daily Legal Work

We are seeing a flurry of Gen AI solutions geared specifically to the practice of law. In the near future, we can expect Gen AI to integrate seamlessly within various aspects of everyday legal operations, enhancing productivity and enabling more focused, strategic work. Predictions include:

  • Automated Administrative Tasks: Routine tasks such as billing, scheduling, and client communications will become increasingly automated, allowing legal professionals to devote more time to complex legal analysis and strategy development.

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