Jeremy Greer, Digital WarRoom: What Is A Subject Matter Expert In The eDiscovery Field?

Digital WarRoom

Extract from Jeremy Greer’s article “What Is A Subject Matter Expert In The eDiscovery Field?”

In the electronic discovery field a subject matter expert (sme) is someone who can (if called upon) validate the veracity and integrity of all eDiscovery practices. A document with “probative value” is essentially a fact that is of-interest and can be used to persuade in a court of law. At the highest level, subject matter experts determine how to find documents with probative value while ensuring that all metadata is maintained.

Why “Bring Your Geek To Court?”

In some cases, a subject matter expert will need to testify in court to explain and defend specific choices and practices. Most sanctions and challenges in eDiscovery have to do with “have you preserved and disclosed relevant documents” Have you failed to miss relevant documents because you didn’t have the expertise to know where to look? Do you have accurate information about who, what, when and where?

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