Jim Gill, Hanzo: How Technology Can Help With HR Investigations


Extract from Jim Gill’s article “How Technology Can Help With HR Investigations”

Workplace complaints are serious. Even if a claim doesn’t lead to disciplinary action, the fact that an employee has made an accusation usually indicates workplace problems that need to be addressed for productivity, morale, and quality of work life.

Internal conflicts often brew slowly beneath the surface, and the human resources (HR) department usually doesn’t become involved until things have become a full-blown crisis. To reach a quick resolution to any HR complaint, data and solid evidence are key components of the investigation. Getting to that information as soon as possible is vital.

Early detection of a problem could mean the difference between a teachable moment resulting in a training seminar versus demotion, termination, or costly litigation. And if the investigation should lead to litigation, having defensible evidence at the ready will protect your organization.

One of the biggest challenges for HR departments when it comes to evidence is the numerous communication channels employed in today’s modern workplace. Email is still one of the largest sources of enterprise communications data, but with the rise of a global remote workforce, HR investigation teams need an easy-to-access view of their company’s data, including chat, social media, and SaaS-based collaboration tools.

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