Extract from Kelly Twigger’s article “#CaseoftheWeek Episode 84: Court Awards $2.4 million in Sanctions Against Client and Counsel”
We’ve taken a break from the Twitter and Elon Musk drama to focus on another ongoing saga involving DR Distributors.
Last year, we covered a previous decision during a two part series featuring Briordy Meyers formerly of Boehringer Ingelheim (now Discovery Counsel at Google) and Doug Austin of eDiscovery Today.
In this episode of Case of the Week, we’ll review the Court’s award of fees and costs following the entry of sanctions against Counsel and the client from January 19, 2021.
Keep reading or watch the video to understand the eDiscovery issues.
Good morning and welcome to Episode 84 of our Case of the Week series published in partnership with ACEDS. My name is Kelly Twigger, I am the CEO and founder of eDiscovery Assistant, and the principal at ESI Attorneys. Thanks so much for joining me this morning.
Let’s jump directly into our case for this week. You’ll see the link to the decision that we’re discussing today from the DR Distributors Saga, as well as the link to the original sanctions decision that underlies the petition for fees that we’re going to discuss today.