Kelly Twigger: Celebrating 30,000 Case Law Decisions in eDiscovery Assistant

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Extract from Kelly Twigger’s article “Celebrating 30,000 Case Law Decisions in eDiscovery Assistant!”

We are celebrating a huge milestone at eDiscovery Assistant this week as our case team published the 30,000th case law decision in our database! If you’re not familiar with our platform, eDiscovery Assistant is a SaaS based legal research platform and knowledge center for lawyers and legal professionals and the only legal research database devoted exclusively to eDiscovery caselaw. We are a niche product designed to get answers quickly on issues in ESI.

Why is that a milestone, you ask? For that, we’ll take you back to 2012 when we first started compiling decisions into the original iPad app that was released to the App Store in July 2013 before SaaS and before responsive design. Our goal of creating an ediscovery specific database of case law decisions required manual searching of case law from many sources and then creating our proprietary issue tagging structure that gets applied to each decision.

Back in 2012, we saw 200+ decisions a year stemming back to the sprinkling of decisions in the early 2000’s, including the Zubulake decisions that kicked off this joyride. But after that, decisions started climbing at a very rapid pace, we started seeing thousands of decisions each year. 2021 saw more than 5000 decisions, and 2022 clocked in at more than 4800.

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