Extract from Kelly Twigger’s article “Email Threading: One Of The Most Overlooked Gems In eDiscovery”
Email threading is one simple approach to streamlining your eDiscovery.
Almost every event I attend has a session on eDiscovery analytics. And with good reason — when you’re facing a database of several thousand to millions of documents, you need ways to figure out what’s there without reviewing every single document. Let’s face it, that’s pretty much every case these days. I’m not talking about the big ones, I’m talking about every. single. case. A single .pst or hard drive can contain thousands of documents. The volume of data being created by users can mean you have a significant database even with very targeted collection efforts.
Analytics are all ways to help you look at the relationships between the data or terms or concepts you select that narrow the data set to something manageable. They come in many forms and many cost points, and we’ll start to look at the various forms in future articles. One of the best analytics tools is email threading. If you aren’t using it, you’ll want to start. And the best part about email threading? It’s FREE.
What is email threading? Email threading groups a string of related emails together in a chain. For example, if I send a message asking for agenda items to four people, and all four respond individually, all of those messages will create a chain of emails, or a thread. A thread includes the original email and all responses and even forwarded emails.