Matthew Verga, XDD: Aligning Your Lenses to See through the Fog, ECA Fundamentals Series Part 6

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Aligning Your Lenses to See through the Fog, ECA Fundamentals Series Part 6

A multi-part series on the fundamentals eDiscovery practitioners need to know about effective early case assessment in the context of electronic discovery

by Matthew Verga, JD, Xact Data Discovery

In “Clearing the Fog of War,” we reviewed the uncertainty inherent in new matters and the three overlapping goals of ECA.  In “Sampling a Well-Stocked Toolkit,” we began our survey of available tools and techniques with an overview and with a discussion of sampling.  In “Searching and Filtering for Fun and Profit,” we continued our survey with a discussion of searching and filtering options.  In “Threading, Duplicates & Near-Duplicates,” we turned our attention to tools for handling threading and duplicates.  In “Advanced Analytic Tools,” we conclude our survey of tools and techniques with a review of advanced analytic tools and TAR workflows.  In this final Part, we discuss how to bring these options together. 

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