Meg McLaughlin, Zapproved: How to Check Your Defenses with a Data Security Audit

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Extract from Meg McLaughlin’s article “How to Check Your Defenses with a Data Security Audit”

Data is the lifeblood of our modern economy. As the pace of digital transformation continues to accelerate, organizations around the globe will depend even more on insights they can glean from the vast amounts of information they collect. However, that same information can make them juicy targets for cyber bad actors. In December 2020, the SolarWinds hack exposed more than one hundred organizations, including Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. No organization is safe.

Data security is a must, and that holds true for your ediscovery data as well. Shockingly, a recent survey found that only 19 percent of ediscovery professionals had conducted security audits on their outside legal service providers. Whether you perform ediscovery in-house or not, it’s important to ensure your defenses are keeping up with ever-evolving cyber threats. When conducted properly, audits go beyond catching non-compliant behavior and can be an effective way to measure, test, and reinforce security protocols on an ongoing basis. Let’s take a look at what’s involved in conducting a successful security audit of your legal data.

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