Meg McLaughlin, Zapproved: The ROI of Ediscovery Software: Invest Now, Save Later

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Extract from Meg McLaughlin’s “The ROI of Ediscovery Software: Invest Now, Save Later”

It’s tough to ask for more budget even in the best of times, and it’s only gotten more challenging amid today’s uncertainty. Corporate legal teams are having to do more with less and often feel they can’t possibly bring any more work in-house. But investing in in-house ediscovery is almost always worth it. You save money and time while improving data security, team efficiency, and time-to-results.

When fighting for budget or preparing a cost justification, a return-on-investment (ROI) analysis is invaluable in equipping you with the information and data you need to justify investing in better ediscovery tools.

Zapproved partnered with Hobson & Company, an independent research firm that specializes in ROI analyses, to study the financial impact the ZDiscovery suite generates for a typical customer. The study consisted of in-depth interviews with dozens of enterprise legal teams regarding their ediscovery processes before and after implementing Legal Hold Pro and Digital Discovery Pro, our legal hold and ediscovery software modules. Here are some things they found.

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