Mindy Deneault, Relativity: How RelativityOne Leverages AI to Streamline e-Discovery Translation

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Extract from Mindy Deneault’s article “How RelativityOne Leverages AI to Streamline e-Discovery Translation”

While there are currently more than 7,000 languages spoken across the globe, 88 percent of the world’s population speaks 200 of them as their native tongues. And with the rise of virtual and digital business practices, companies are no longer bound by geographic borders when it comes to their customer base or workforce—making it likely your next internal investigation will require the use of an e-discovery translation solution.

Think about this common scenario: a company based in Switzerland has offices throughout Europe, manufacturing partners across Asia, and remote employees in the United States. If an internal investigation takes place and emails and chat records between employees, vendors, and/or customers are collected for review, you could be looking at hundreds or even thousands of documents encompassing close to a dozen different languages!

Traditional e-Discovery Translation Options

In this situation, legal teams and HR departments can traditionally go one of two ways.

Option #1: you send your documents to a third-party translation service. While this is the more conventional approach, it can add weeks to your timeline and become very costly as you typically pay per word and per language. This also isn’t an efficient course of action for a first-pass review, when you’re still trying to determine if a document is potentially relevant or not.

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