Petra Pasternak, Everlaw: An Industry Responds to New In-House Collaboration Report

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Extract from Petra Pasternak’s article “An Industry Responds to New In-House Collaboration Report”

The role of corporate in-house legal teams is more important than ever. Through sustained effort, many have become the key strategic partners their business needs to thrive. 

But a new survey by Everlaw and the Association of Corporate Counsel underscores how much opportunity remains. Facing skyrocketing outside counsel costs on the one hand and internal calls to slash budgets on the other, many in-house teams report that there is still significant room for improvement, whether in leveraging technology, partnering more effectively internally and externally, or shaking legal’s reputation as “the department of no.” 

The report, The State of Collaboration in Corporate Legal Departments, made headlines in part with its finding that in-house legal teams are ramping up their efforts to bring more matters in-house – and deploying AI to help with the workload. 

The results seem to have resonated throughout the industry, with more than a dozen publications highlighting the key findings, which also generated an animated discussion on Bob Ambrogi’s Legaltech Week podcast. 

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