Predictive Coding Technologies and Protocols: Overview and Survey

Extract from Rob Robinson’s article “Predictive Coding Technologies and Protocols: Overview and Survey” 

As defined in The Grossman-Cormack Glossary of Technology-Assisted Review (1), Predictive Coding is an industry-specific term generally used to describe a technology-assisted review process involving the use of a machine learning algorithm to distinguish relevant from non-relevant documents, based on a subject matter expert’s coding of a training set of documents. This definition of predictive coding provides a baseline description that identifies one particular function that a general set of commonly accepted machine learning algorithms may use in a technology-assisted review.

With the growing awareness and use of predictive coding in the legal arena today, it appears that it is increasingly more important for electronic discovery professionals to have a general understanding of the technologies that may be implemented in electronic discovery platforms to facilitate predictive coding of electronically stored information. This general understanding is essential as each potential algorithmic approach has efficiency advantages and disadvantages that may impact the efficiency and efficacy of predictive coding.

Read the full article here