Extract from Bob Ambrogi’s article “Results Are In: The Microsoft Office 365 eDiscovery Challenge Survey”
[Editor’s note: In a guest post here in August, e-discovery consultants Tom O’Connor, director of the Gulf Coast Legal Technology Center, and Don Swanson, president of Five Star Legal, launched the Microsoft Office 365 eDiscovery Challenge, a survey to determine whether Office 365’s e-discovery capabilities are up to the task of handling an e-discovery matter on a limited budget. Today, they present the raw results. In a later post, they will present their analysis and recommendations.]
Our Microsoft Office 365 eDiscovery Challenge survey was conducted over seven weeks using both an online SurveyMonkey tool and telephone interviews. We received a total of 75 survey responses from corporations, government agencies and law firms, with the estimated breakdown of respondents mostly being from corporate legal