Robert Powell, Digital WarRoom: eDiscovery Triage – Exceptions, Unusual Files, & OCR

Digital WarRoom

Extract from Robert Powell’s article “eDiscovery Triage – Exceptions, Unusual Files, & OCR”

What should you consider directly after processing?

In order to become self sufficient in eDiscovery, you will have to accept the following facts.

1) Regardless of eDiscovery platform, not all documents can be opened.
2) Regardless of eDiscovery platform, not all documents can be indexed

Review exceptions and triage documents
An exception refers to an error message which explains why Digital WarRoom was unable to open the file and extract the expected metadata or text. Exceptions are typical in any processing job, as password protected files, corrupted files and encrypted files tend to accumulate in any set of documents. When DWR comes across an exception, the tool will acknowledge the file, extract the keywords it can, throw an exception and make a best guess at why DWR could not complete the job of processing. If you have a significant amount of exceptions, please understand that the tool is not “broken”. For instance, If you were to process a large collection in which 40% of documents were password protected or encrypted, DWR would technically complete the job of processing, but you would have many exceptions. Similarly, if you throw rocks in a laundry machine and press start, the laundry machine will run, but you will probably not get the desired result.

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