Sam Bock, Relativity: Build Your Best Fest Agenda: Tips for the Newbies and the Veterans

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Extract from Sam Bock’s article “Build Your Best Fest Agenda: Tips for the Newbies and the Veterans”

Relativity Fest 2023 is just three weeks away. Actually, it’s only 20 days. Are you ready?

To put you in the right mindset, please enjoy this trio of haikus on the anxieties, anticipation, and practicality of business travel:

Some travelers do
not what they must, but rather
what their fears instruct.


Some travelers do
not what they must, but that which
excitement demands.


Some travelers just
do the packing, and booking,
and get on with it.

No matter what type of traveler you are, I think we can all agree that making the best use of our time spent away from home and the office is the very first priority of any business trip.

But alas, that’s often easier said than done. Sometimes we presume our schedule will come together as fate requires.

“I’ll decide what sessions to attend when I get there,” we tell ourselves. “Surely I’ll run into everyone on the conference floor.” And then? We get caught up in the commotion, move from session to session in a frenzy, and end up missing connections with half the people we set out hoping to see.

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