Sam Bock, Relativity: How to Stand Out in a World of Automation: Lean into These Skills for the Future

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Extract from Sam Bock’s article “How to Stand Out in a World of Automation: Lean into These Skills for the Future”

While I don’t remember first-hand what it’s like to be a toddler, my fourth child is currently two and a half years old. So I do have quite a bit of recent experience with the demographic.

And, as a writer watching evermore AI tools come to market purporting the ability to do my job for me—it’s humbling how often I find my internal monologue sounding very much like one of my daughter’s most frequent outbursts: “No! I do it!”

I know I’m not alone in this reflex among legal professionals, who are watching a similar flood of applications flow into this industry.

It’s an understandable impulse. Our animal brains evolved to evaluate threats from competition, and either confront or avoid that threat in the interest of self-preservation. When faced with competition that looks nothing like any species we’ve ever seen before, it’s natural to opt for flight. It’s natural to move away from that threat, keep living as we always have, and simply try very hard to stay out of its reach.

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