Sarena Regazzoni, Hanzo: Assessing Confidence in the Age of Digital Data: A Legal Industry Perspective


Extract from Sarena Regazzoni’s article “Assessing Confidence in the Age of Digital Data: A Legal Industry Perspective”

In the fourth installment of our series on the 2023 Legal Industry Collaboration Data Survey, we turn our attention to an intriguing aspect revealed by the survey: the fluctuating confidence levels in managing legal data amidst the surge of digital collaboration tools. This shift reflects the legal sector’s response to the challenges and complexities inherent in the digital era.

The Confidence Conundrum

The survey paints a nuanced picture of confidence among legal professionals in handling digital data. While 60% of respondents felt more adept at managing digital data compared to previous years, 40% expressed concerns about keeping pace with the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Factors Influencing Confidence Levels

  • Growing Data Volumes and Complexity: With the exponential increase in digital data, particularly from collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack, 70% of legal professionals acknowledge the heightened challenge in managing this data effectively.
  • Adaptation to New Technologies: Although many legal firms are integrating new tools and technologies for data management, the survey indicates that 50% of respondents still feel apprehensive about fully leveraging these advancements.
  • Evolving eDiscovery Demands: The changing nature of eDiscovery, driven by digital communication, has impacted confidence levels. About 65% of respondents feel confident in their current eDiscovery processes, but 35% are concerned about their ability to adapt to future demands.

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