Click on the headings for more detail on each tip.
10/1/2021: Get rid of XE codes
You can also run a simple find and replace search to remove all of the XE codes added to Word document. Searching for:
^19 XE
. . . and replacing it with nothing, will erase any XE codes present in a Word document.
10/2/2021: Tabs In RelativityOne
The sidebar will show more or less tabs based on the size of the web browser you are using. If the icon for a tab is not of a sufficient resolution, it will only be accessible in the ‘More’ menu.
10/3/2021: Finding key terms quickly in RelativityOne
The occurrences of the terms will be highlighted in yellow in the document. When you select one of the multiple scrolling panes, with a use of the term in a context that interests you, that instance of the term will be highlighted in blue in the document.
10/4/2021: Copying Text on the Document Viewer Disabled
Ask the admin for the Relativity workspace to confirm that the group to which you belong has the local access option on the document object checked off. If not, you will not have the ability to copy on the document viewer.
10/5/2021: Getting the Cost of ECA Down in Relativity
The cost of Early Case Assessment can be reduced by using links to the standard workspace, rather than by preparing duplicates for the standard workspace. If duplicates are used, Relativity will double bill for the data in the repository workspace, and the standard workspace used for review.
10/6/2021: Relativity filters
Any term entered directly in the search box for a filter will be treated like a wildcard.
. . . if you enter an asterisk in the filter, it will be treated as a searchable character, and you may not get results for the stem preceding the asterisk.
10/7/2021: RelativityOne’s Redact
While Redact will facilitate the redaction of Excel files, it is not possible to use it to redact .csv files.
10/8/2021:Reviewing dupes for Continuous Active Learning in Relativity
The Suppress Duplicate Documents setting should be set to Yes you are performing ‘coverage review’ in order to train the system as quickly as possible. In this model, the documents which the system is most uncertain about will be added to the review queue first – those with a rank around 50 on the scale from 0 to 100.
10/9/2021: Resource Scaling in RelativityOne
When a Processing job takes longer than 10 minutes, and there are other jobs in progress, scaling should be initiated within 45 minutes.
10/10/2021: SLAs v. OLAs v. UCs
Service Level Agreements are often signed between law firms or client, and e-discovery vendors. The agreements will be based on the vendor providing services to a client.
10/11/2021: Regular Expression search for Bates numbers
10/12/2021: PowerShell script to run RegEx and Output results
select-string -Path C:\foofolder\input.txt -Pattern “(\b\w{1,10}(-|_|\s?)[0-9]{5,12}\b|\b\w{1,10}(-|_|\s?)\b\w{1,10}(-|_|\s?)[0-9]{5,12}\b)” -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | select-object Value -unique | sort-object Value > C:\foofolder\output2.txt
10/13/2021: Searching for 32 character plus strings in dtSearch
Note that the dtSearch index in Relativity is configured so that it will cutoff any words which are longer than 32 characters.
10/14/2021: S.D.N.Y.: When linked to documents are not attachments
“It is clear to this Court that there was no meeting of the minds on whether hyperlinks were attachments and this Court, when entering the order, did not view hyperlinks to be attachments. While the protocol does reference ‘files with extracted embedded OLE documents, ‘the Court understands this to refer to embedded, displayed documents such as a graph or a chart within a Word document or email—not hyperlinked documents.” Nicolas v. Noom, Inc., No. 20-CV-3677 (LGS) (KHP), 2021 WL 948646, at *3 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 11, 2021)
10/15/2021: Force a shutdown
The command:
shutdown /s /f /t 0
. . . will force a shutdown of a device that you can no longer control because it is caught in a cycle using too much of a system’s resources.
10/16/2021: Text Field Sizes in Relativity
The default length for a fixed length text field is 255 characters, and Relativity recommends that this field be no more than 400 characters. In addition, you need to be sure that all of the fixed length text fields for any single object don’t exceed more than 8,060 bytes (or 8KB) in total data size. Check the field usage for an object in order to confirm that this limit is not exceeded.
10/17/2021: Sending Multiple Outlook Emails with Multiple Attachments Automatically
Michael Dew, a lawyer up in the Great White North, has done American legal professionals a big favor by creating a MS Excel spreadsheet which can be used to send multiple emails in MS Outlook to different recipients, with each email having different attachments.

10/18/2021: Turn Windows features on or off
In Windows 10, in the ‘Programs and Features’ settings, you’ll see an option to ‘Turn Windows features on or off’. One of the more interesting features is ‘Windows Subsystem for Linux’ which you can use to run Linux software.
10/19/2021: EDGAR Ban on Automated PDFing
Even if you attempt to create a PDF of a filing with an add-in tool in a browser, you may not get the PDF you thought you would. Instead, the resulting PDF will be a notice from the S.E.C. that the request to download the filing was made with a restricted automated tool.
10/20/2021: Source Code and Object Code
The developer’s source code is an editable code which a programmer can modify. The source code will be translated into object code which is in a binary form that hardware can read, and then use to execute certain steps.
10/21/2021: ClickShare to connect visitor laptops to meeting room monitors
Some firms are now using a device called ClickShare to connect laptops on wifi to audio/visual devices. This BYOM (Bring Your Own Meeting) technology works by inserting a small device called a ‘button’, into a laptop. It’s a unified communications (UC) tool that combines different kinds of communication (voice, video, messaging) together.
10/22/2021: X.500 Emails
X.500 will have a format like this:
o=OldCOmpanyName 1/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=Firstname.LastName.
The administrative group for a X.500 email should be identified by an alphanumeric string. If you know the group code for a server, and you’ve collected email messages from custodians which all shared that server, searching for the group code is an easy to determine if you have any X.500 emails which might elude standard searches for email addresses.
10/23/2021: Nettops, Thin clients, Zero clients, and Web clients
Zero clients – are incapable of storing data locally. These devices will be configured to work with one protocol to connect to a server, whereas a thin client can connect with multiple protocol.
10/24/2021: cleaning printers
Some printers having cleaning mechanisms which require you to assist with the maintenance. The color HP M252 has this function, and it may help you avoid ink streaks on print outs.
10/25/2021: Web-based CaseView Hiccups
If you have a URL for that won’t work, try using the session and password listed in the url in the CaseView application.
10/26/2021: Catching Landspeed Violations in Relativity
The Tip of the Night for May 28, 2021 discussed tracking ‘landspeed’ violations, when the same user logins from two different locations which are far apart. Relativity’s Security Center can help an admin monitor such suspicious logins. The Security Center generates a map showing all of the logins that have taken place for the past 7 days.
10/27/2021: Creating better web page exhibits with Edge
Microsoft’s new Edge browser contains a ‘web capture’ option in the File menu. This will give you the option to save the web page as a jpeg which will perfectly capture the look of the web page.
10/28/2021: Tracking pixels
An image embedded in an email must be downloaded off a server by the recipient. This allows the sender to determine exactly when an email message is opened. Images will often be added surreptitiously and can be transparent. The general concept is known as a web beacon or tracking pixel. It can be made to work not only with images but other elements of HTML.
10/29/2021: How deleted emails are recovered in Exchange
In Exchange, an admin can access ‘in place eDiscovery & hold’ under Compliance Management. The admin will be able to select specific email accounts to search through, and find emails that have been removed from the deleted items folder.
10/30/2021: Hide cell contents with semicolons
Entering two semicolons in the Custom category on the Number tab will hide the contents of any cells which contain only positive or negative numbers:
10/31/2021: Creating a block chart in Excel
It’s possible to set up a block chart in Excel in a few easy steps. This technique involves entering percentages in increments of one per cent in 100 cells on a worksheet.