Technocat Tidbits: Lawyers & GAI

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What Every Lawyer Needs to Know About GAI

From the big screen to Thanksgiving table… the topic du jour for every human this year has most certainly been CHATGPT and Generative AI. In just the first 12 months of ChatGPT hitting the stage, the legal industry and the world at large has forever changed!

With all the hype, even the most Luddite attorney knows that they ought to pay attention to this new kid on the technology block… But what exactly must every lawyer know?? This blog unpacks exactly that!

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1. GAI Isn’t Just a Fancy Calculator, It’s a Game Changer

Hey there legal eagles! First things first, Generative AI isn’t just another tool in your tech toolbox – it’s the whole workshop! We’re talking about a level of Artificial intelligence that doesn’t just follow find patterns; it learns, adapts, and thinks in ways that mimic human intelligence and creativity. Consider it like AI on steroids.

This means it can analyze legal documents, predict outcomes, and even suggest strategies with an efficiency that’s out of this world. The key takeaway? In areas like eDiscovery GAI can cut the noise and find signals faster than any other tech out there. And even if you are wary of using this emerging tech, chances are 1 million to one at least some of your clients are already using it! The key takeaway? Embrace GAI and understand it today.

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2. Ethical Considerations Aren’t Just Footnotes Anymore

Ethics is not just a category for CLE credit you are frantically searching for at the end of the year now that Generative AI has taken center stage.

With great power comes great responsibility, and GAI is no exception. The ethical implications and legal issues of using GAI in legal practice are profound. Issues like data privacy, bias in AI decision-making, and the replacement of human judgment demand our attention. As stewards of justice, lawyers must stay informed and involved in the conversation around these ethical dilemmas.

As Generative AI is increasingly used in our daily legal work, law firms and in-house alike must stay eagle eyes to protect client privacy, confidentiality, and the accuracy of outputs. Legal Tech and new technology across the globe are incorporating Generative Ai at an exponential pace. Use of AI shows no signs of stopping to level professionals must stay on top of these ethical quandaries.

3. Lifelong Learning is the New Norm

Say goodbye to the days when graduating from law school was the end of your education. With Generative AI constantly evolving, keeping your skills sharp is more important than ever. This means staying updated on the latest advancements in AI technology and understanding how they apply to legal practice. Consider it as adding an exciting new chapter to your legal playbook!

Use of Generative AI is increasing faster than the internet was adopted… heck ChatGPT surpassed 100M users in merely 60 days! Generative Ai tools are more than. a flash in the pan, they are transforming how we live, work, and litigate. The legal profession is fundamentally shifting, and lawyers need to stay educated about these Ai models reshaping the practice of law.

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4. Collaboration Over Competition with GAI

Here’s a hot take – GAI isn’t here to steal your job; it’s here to amplify your capabilities. Robolawyers are not going to boot you from the corner office and make you hold a sign saying ‘will litigate for food’ in a threadbare Brooks Brother’s suit. But Generative AI is fundamentally shifting HOW we practice law and what legal considerations we must advise clients on. RoboAttonrey is not your biggest threat, rather peers who embrace this tech will gain a massive leg up and fast. Those who play ostrich will find themselves losing ground to other Artificial intelligence Savvy legal professionals fast!

The future of law sees human lawyers and Generative AI working in tandem, combining the emotional intelligence and ethical reasoning of humans with the data-crunching power of Artificial Intelligence. This collaboration can lead to more comprehensive and effective legal solutions. So, let’s team up with our AI counterparts for the greater good!

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5. GAI Could be Your New Best Friend for Access to Justice

And finally, let’s talk about impact. Generative AI has the potential to democratize legal services like never before. By automating and streamlining tasks, GAI can help reduce costs and make legal advice more accessible to those who might not have been able to afford it. This isn’t just a win for efficiency; it’s a win for equality and justice.

From self-service Generative AI-powered legal research to the ability to cost-effectively peer in even the most massive data sets, Generative Ai can be a massive force multiplier in A2J. But AI systems are not a cure-all. Some jurisdictions and regions may lack the internet or computer access necessary to deploy these algorithms or Ai applications.

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A Closing Thought

Generative AI has the potential to reshape the world in a way not seen since the printing press, the internet or heck, even the written word. With that sort of transformation, fear and uncertainty are natural. Over 2,000 years ago Plato and Socrates debated in the Phaedrus on the negative impact the written word might have. But the written word persisted. No matter how much we all debate the impact of a new tech… evolution and transformation through innovation is unstoppable.

Much like Thanos, this transformation is now inevitable. The practice of law and how we live, work and play are not reverting to a time before Open Ai and ChatGPT rewrote how we interact with technology. Savvy legal professionals must educate themselves about this transformative tech. Understand the benefits and risks and prepare for the GAI-enabled future of the legal field.

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Catherine “Cat” Casey
Chief Growth Officer at Reveal
Catherine “Cat” Casey is the chief growth officer for leading AI-powered e-discovery technology Reveal. A global thought leader on the application of AI and advanced technology to the practice of law. She is a frequent keynote speaker and outspoken advocate of legal professionals embracing technology to deliver better legal outcomes. Casey has more than a decade and a half of experience assisting clients with complex e-discovery and forensic needs that arise from litigation, expansive regulation, and complex contractual relationships. Casey has an A.L.B. from Harvard University and attended Pepperdine School of Law.

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