Extract from “The #appellatetwitter judicial directory” posted by the blog of Raffi Melkonian, Texas appellate lawyer at the law firm of Wright & Close LLP
One of the most gratifying parts of #appellatetwitter are the appellate judges we practitioners, academics, students, and press are privileged to interact with informally online. It’s tough to crack jokes with a judge on the bench. In fact, I suggest you don’t try. But online, at least some bets are off (don’t push your luck!)
A twitter follower suggested I prepare a list of all twitter appellate judges. As is my way, I’m going to crowd-source the effort, although I’ve seeded the list with many of the ones I know off the top of my head. Send me more @RMFifthCircuit on Twitter! I know I’ve missed some. I might even have missed some I know about – it’s not intentional.
A note: some of these judges are highly active. Some have only campaign accounts. Others lurk. But follow all of them.