Tim Rollins, Exterro: Congratulations to the E-Discovery Day ACEDS Scholarship Winners

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Extract from Tim Rollin’s article “Congratulations to the E-Discovery Day ACEDS Scholarship Winners”

One of the coolest things about E-Discovery Day is how it takes a moment to shine the spotlight on some of the unsung heroes of the litigation process and justice system–e-discovery professionals. Interestingly enough (and as something that past E-Discovery Day surveys have revealed, the vast majority of e-discovery professionals don’t start their careers in the field–they find their way by being assigned to e-discovery tasks or taking them on, finding they have an aptitude for it, and then building a career.

That career path is one reason why E-Discovery Day, and in particular our partners at ACEDS, give out two CEDS certification scholarships as a thank you for the people who participate in our E-Discovery Day survey. This year, our two lucky winners are:

We’re excited for you both to enjoy these great prizes–and thank you to all who participated in the survey.

Read more here