Venio Systems: What Does In-House eDiscovery Success Look Like?


Extract from Venio Systems’s article “What Does In-House eDiscovery Success Look Like?”

eDiscovery is a complex, critical part of legal cases. With the volume of data growing in every case, it can be costly and timely to manage it. While organizations have long outsourced these workflows, the tide is turning. To gain greater control over the process and costs, many corporations are bringing eDiscovery in-house. 

Achieving this is no small feat. It requires diligence, strategy, process improvement, and the right technology. Firms, corporations, government agencies, or organizations may be selective about what areas of the eDiscovery process they want to own. No two success stories look quite the same. However, there are some key steps to take to attain this goal. 

Define Your Strengths and Weaknesses Regarding eDiscovery.

The first step is to conduct an internal assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. If you currently handle some portions of eDiscovery now, how are you performing? What are the assets you have — people, platforms, and processes — that will be key to success? 

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