Vina Coonin, Casepoint: Top 4 eDiscovery Use Cases for Government Agencies

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Extract from Vina Coonin’s article “Top 4 eDiscovery Use Cases for Government Agencies”

There’s a widely held assumption that the predominant use case for eDiscovery in government is reserved for litigation purposes. The reality, however, is that the eDiscovery use cases in the government sector are as expansive as they are varied. 

Whether responding to a FOIA request or a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigation, or collecting relevant data for criminal litigation, government entities of every size and function must be able to collect, process, review, and produce digital information quickly, accurately, and in compliance with existing regulations.

While eDiscovery use cases in the government sector cover a broad spectrum, there are four key use cases that underscore the need for and importance of having a trusted partner and a robust, purpose-built eDiscovery platform. By consolidating their tech stack, an agency can save time and money while dramatically improving the user experience for employees and stakeholders.

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