Vivan Marwaha, Everlaw: Change Management That Works

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Extract from Vivan Marwaha’s article “Change Management That Works”

The legal industry is in the midst of transformation. Legal professionals increasingly cite the cloud as the norm for the present and the future of ediscovery, and other legal functions such as document management and case tracking.

As law firms recognize the benefits of the cloud – its speed, scalability, security, collaborative nature, ability to handle modern data types, among others – and as they march towards the future, some firms are grappling with questions around adopting new technology and replacing old processes.

Their questions and concerns are valid. Rolling out new technology, streamlining its adoption, and delivering a return on your investment isn’t always easy or frictionless. As employees and companies get used to a certain way of doing things they don’t always want to find new solutions, even if they can make them more efficient or deliver better results. The legal practice tends to be change and risk averse, exacerbating the sentiment that the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.

One big law firm challenges that thinking everyday.

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