Insight into where e-discovery, information governance cybersecurity, and digital transformation are heading – who is doing what now or in the future, what works and what doesn’t, and what people wish they could do but can’t – gleaned from recent publications
Legalweek events – Join me at the following events during Legalweek:
- EDRM Pro Bono Project In-Person Kickoff Meeting
Mon 2/3, 5:00 – 5:30 pm, Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse - EDRM Legal Tech Jumpstart with HaystackID
Mon 2/3, 5:00 – 7:30 pm, Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse - Second Annual Legalweek Walk/Run and Breakfast
Wed 2/5, 6:15 – 8:15 am, New York Hilton Midtown - EDRM Pro Bono Project In-Person Kickoff Meeting
Wed 2/5, 4:00 – 4:30 pm, Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse - Drinks With Doug & Mary
Wed 2/5, 4:00 – 6:00 pm, Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse - ACEDS Community Cocktail Reception: Meet the Board
Wed 2/5, 4:30 – 6:30 pm, 1221 Avenue of the Americas
2020 UF Law E-Discovery Conference – Register now to join me in person or via livestream on March 19 as I get together with Bill Hamilton and a host of new and returning speakers for the 8th Annual University of Florida Law E-Discovery Conference in Gainesville, FL.
BDO knows CCPA – BDO’s California Consumer Privacy Act resource page enables privacy executives to stay abreast of the impending regulation and learn about overarching privacy and governance considerations in one convenient location.
California –
- Q&A: How Amgen prepared for the CCPA, Alison O’Connell (Lexology) (Jan. 14)
- Proposed CCPA amendment would provide significant clarity to health care and life sciences companies, Alexis Cocco and Kimberly Gold (Reed Smith) (Jan. 22)
Florida – Analyzing the 2020 Florida Consumer Data Privacy Act, David Stauss & Malia Rogers (Husch Blackwell) (Jan. 16).
Maryland – Analyzing the 2020 Maryland Right to Opt Out of Third-Party Disclosures Act, David Stauss, Erik Dullea, and Malia Rogers (Husch Blackwell) (Jan. 23).
Virginia – Analyzing the 2020 Virginia Privacy Act and Sale of Personal Data Act, David Stauss and Malia Rogers (Husch Blackwell) (Jan. 20).
GDPR data breach survey – DLA Piper published is 2020 GDPR Data Breach Survey results.
Medical devices – William RM Long, Francesca Blythe, and Josefine Sommer of Sidley wrote that in December 2019, the Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG) published its guidance on cybersecurity for medical devices (the Guidance).
NIST Privacy Framework – Deborah George and Linn Foster Freedman of Robinson+Cole reported that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released its first privacy framework tool (the “Privacy Framework”) on January 16, 2020.
Five requirements for tech to improve access to justice – Bob Ambrogi of LawSites reported on a recent talk by outgoing Legal Services Corporation’s president James Sandman, in which he outlined the five requirements he believes are necessary if we are to realize the potential for technology to improve access to justice.
Date | Focus | Organization | Title |
1/15/2020 | ED | CellebriteBlackBag Technologies | Cellebrite Acquires BlackBag Technologies |
1/20/2020 | ED | AnexsysBrainspace | Anexsys Announces Partnership With Brainspace |
1/20/2020 | ED | Indexed I/O | Indexed I/O Announces Strategic Partnership with The Missouri Bar |
Date | Focus | Publisher | Title | Authors |
1/1/2020 | C/DP | Law Journal Newsletters | A Look Behind, A Look Ahead: Part 1 – Cybersecurity | Steve Salkin |
1/21/2020 | ED | Hanzo | How to Get Legal and IT Working Together to Solve the Ediscovery Challenges of Collaboration Data | Brad Harris |
1/22/2020 | C/DP | Davis Wright Tremaine | White House Issues Guidance for AI Regulation and “Non-Regulation” | K.C. Halm and Katori Copeland |
1/22/2020 | ED | Legaltech News | 2019 E-Discovery Sanctions Case Law Update | Samantha Green (Epiq) |
Conferences, webinars, and the like can provide insight into where e-discovery, information governance cybersecurity, and digital transformation are heading